Thursday 6 January 2011

J'adore Michelle Phan

Every girl and woman should know who Michelle Phan is. This my lovelies, is a command. She is absolutely brilliant!
An amazing makeup artist who I think should be celebrated. Her tips on make up, skin care and fashion styling are so inspiring, they make you want to paint up your world with dazzling eyeshadows and rosy matte lipsticks. For those who know her lets show Rice Bunny some "more" love and for those who don't, get ready to fall inlove with her beautiful magic.

Little wand xx

Tuesday 4 January 2011

A few of my favourite things....

....And then I don't feeeeeeel so bad.
From the sweet and somewhat hedonistic Rococo to African killer designs, my hearting goes all the way. Throw in a vintage sewing machine, a little bit of Kate Bush's bansheelike crooning with anime sketches and I'm sold. Dior shoes go hand in hand with my obsession for Gossip Girl, which I just discovered is a lust for the wardrobe of a certain Leighton Meester aka "Blair Waldorf". Which brings us to the equation, F=McQ this I believe is one 'can be' scientific fact understood by all the Style Einsteins out there, oh yes! That (F)ashion = (McQ)ueen and vice versa. Lol! xx 

African Fashion Scene 
Christian Dior Shoes

Liya Kebede

Kate Bush in the 80's

Leighton Meester in Elie Saab, xoxo

Alexander McQueen

A Vintage SINGER Sewing Machine

Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette, queen of the ROCOCO Era

Dior take on Rococo

Anime Sketching

Hearting Kate Bush

Saturday 1 January 2011

7,6,5,4,3,2,1, its a go......we are blogging

It has taken me 3 and a half years, 18 pairs of skinny jeans, one unbreakable bond (with YSL's Touche Eclat), a fallout with blue eyeshadow and a whole lot of procrastination to finally type these words. God I loved skinnies, it started out as a crush, then I think I fell in love and then it just became as obssession.....Anyway....
Today is the 1/1/11 and I tell you it is a day so unbelievably charged with ions of ideas and fantasies of what the 'universe' holds for us this New Year... ok, of what 'everything we love' holds for us this year, our friends, our favourite places, whether or not to wear blazing red lipstick, the colour forecasts that will determine every item of clothing that we will shove into our wardrobes, things we love to hate, things we love to love and the entire journey through the valley of awesomeness that lies ahead. I for one predict a certain sophistication that has come with 2011> its a calm, romanticized, cyber chic theme. Not that we are all going to turn up on the beach dressed up like Lady Gaga, blimey.. but we may embrace a minimalist, more gadget oriented fashion sense or we may  just go futuristic tribal. Love it already,x. Do check out the African fashion scene, people... ps: sorry Miss Germanotta but eat.ur.heart.out. xx
Well, lets all wait and see then. This should be fun. I wish you all a wonderful and inspiration filled New Year and I hope this becomes one of your favourite things this year and in the years to come. So with a wave of my little wand,  I say, xx.